You Will Be My Witnesses

This past weekend we looked at a chapter in Acts 1. In that passage, Jesus was telling his disciples before he ascended YOU will be my witnesses to the world. He is speaking to us today as Read more…

Are You Facing Challenges Today

There is a power you can tap into today! Why? Because Jesus loves you.
If you’ve given your life to Christ, you can tap into that today! If you haven’t, it’s there for the taking, just surrender your life to Christ. He loves you and wants what is best for you, and friend, what’s Read more…

Never Left Alone – Pastor Andy | 4-19-20

How Are You Able To Hold On To Your Faith

Pastor Andy’s weekly video update. 
God is still in control. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; Read more…

What did Jesus say the second greatest commandment was?

Pastor Andy’s Weekly Video Update …. Read more…

Pastor Andy Update 3-25

Pastor Andy’s weekly update to Hope Community Church of Lowell family Read more…

Pastor Andy Update

Hello everyone. The leadership at Hope would like you all to know that we are praying for each one of you during this uncertain time. We are in uncharted waters. The decision to cancel all activities at the church has turned out to be the right one. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain when we will be able to resume services. This may go on for a while…..(watch video) Read more…

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