2019 Trunk or Treat at Liberty Park Lowell

What a great turn out for Hope Community Church’s 2nd year  –  “Trunk or Treat” at Liberty Park in Lowell. Thank you to everyone who came out and braved the COLD & SNOW… WOW…!


Praise You In The Storm

PRAY WITH US – Lord, today I’m praying for your help and understanding. You never leave us or forsake us. No matter what I’m going through… I can praise you in the storm. You walk


Pack Night For Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, brings good news and great joy to children around the world. And the work doesn’t stop there. Through The Greatest Journey, our discipleship program for those who receive shoe boxes, whole communities are being transformed by the Gospel.
For 2 years in a row our Women’s Ministry Team coordinated our Operation Christmas Child Pack Night! With the help of Hope Church’s KIDS CLUB, Ladies event last night and all the donations


You Are Being Watched

PRAY WITH US – Father, We can be oblivious of the fact people are watching over us. In observing they usually have an opinion. They notice what we say and what we do. If these do not match we are usually branded a hypocrite, and rightly so. You warn us of this in your word.


What Is Around Us

PRAY WITH US – Father, People around us are hurting physically, emotionally, or both. They want someone to care. To be sensitive to what they’re going through. You have called us to help in any way we are able. We can pray for them and with them. Comfort is needed.


When Our Feet Hit The Floor

PRAY WITH US – Lord, we ask you to help us live our day to the point that when our feet hit the floor the devil says “There goes my day the


Difficult To Comprehend

PRAY WITH US – Father, It’s hard to grasp that Jesus died for the sin of the entire world past, present, and future. This includes mine! It can be difficult to comprehend that the Savior would leave heavens glory, take on the form


It’s Hard To Grasp

Father, It’s hard to grasp that Jesus died for the sin of the entire world past, present, and future. This includes mine! It can be difficult to comprehend that the Savior would leave heavens glory, take on the form of a man, come to this sinful earth, willingly suffer and die on a cross, that I might be forgiven of all my sin and eternal life. This is the truth! It can be for anyone and every one no matter who you are or what you’ve done. Thank you for sending your son. Your love is huge. You are wonderful and marvelous. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


My Desire To Be Holy

Father, In your word you command me to be holy as you are holy. I will need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to desire this and to be able to do this. In my flesh, it could not