Advent 2020-JOY

Thank you Beezhold Family for reading and lighting the candle of Advent of JOY.
In the Old Testament, the word “joy” is nearly always associated with an act of God, and even more specifically, with an act of God delivering his people. The people of Israel found themselves in need of God’s deliverance on more than one occasion. When they were enslaved in Egypt, God set them free. As they traveled to the promised land, God proved to the Israelites over and over again that he was far stronger and more powerful than the enemy nations who opposed them. When the nation of Israel was carried off into captivity by the Babylonians, again they cried out to God to rescue them, and God delivered them and brought them back to Jerusalem.
Each time they were rescued, the Israelites were joyful and rejoiced in God’s love for them. But each time they soon forgot God’s deliverance and turned away from God. In a cold and dirty stable in the small, unimportant town of Bethlehem, God again delivered his people. This time, however, it was not just for a time, not just until the next warring nation came across the river. This time it was forever, for eternity. God sent his Son to deliver his people not just from enemies who threatened them, but from their sin that separated them from himself.
We can imagine the joy on the faces of the shepherds as they made their way to the stable. We can almost see the joy on the faces of the wise men who traveled great distances to find this new king. And we can feel the radiant joy of Simeon and Anna in the temple as they came face to face with the Savior of the world.
God sent himself to us to bring us life and never-ending joy. Today, as we celebrate Advent and think of joy, let’s not forget. Let’s remember and live each day in the knowledge and understanding of what God has done for us. We are delivered! How can we not be joyful?

Holy Lord

Holy Lord thank you for your grace. Please help me move beyond the hurdles that keep me up. Give me the strength and wisdom to look up and see the hope that I run toward in Christ. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.
* All Prayers are given by Hope Community Church of Lowell’s Prayer Team.

Not Loving Others

Father, thank you for looking beyond our faults and for loving us unconditionally. Forgive us when we fail to love others, give me eyes to see the need of people in our lives show us how to meet those needs. In your name we pray. Amen.
* All Prayers are given by Hope Community Church’s Prayer Team.

Advent 2020-PEACE

Wonderful readings by Sandy Kuiper and Cheri Ryken with lighting of the second candle of Advent. 
This past week we celebrated our second week of Advent PEACE…
Picture a man named Abraham. He was 75 years old and married to Sarah, who was also well along in years. They had been married for a lifetime, yet they had no children. God came to Abraham in his old age and said, Leave your country, your people and your


Moving Forward In Faith

Lord, help us go forth with faith in your ability to love and protect us in this our time of need. We need you now more than ever. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
* Prayers are given by Hope Community Church of Lowell’s Prayer Team

Womens Christmas Event 2020

Christmas Joy – an evening of simple surprises was a


Measuring By Time

Father, people measure their lives by time. That’s why we have clocks, calendars, and cell phones. You are not limited to time. For you, there’s no yesterday or tomorrow. You had no beginning or end. It’s something we will never be able to grasp. It’s


Advent 2020-HOPE

First Sunday Advent ~ HOPE
A beautiful reading by Nakia and Juanita followed with lighting of the first candle of Advent with Bobbie joining in. 
Isaiah 9:2, 6-7



Father, trials, pain, and suffering are apart of life. If a person hasn’t experienced some of these, they will. It’s a sure thing! The outcome of these should be a more intimate