Pastor Andy Update 3-25

Pastor Andy’s weekly update to Hope Community Church of Lowell family


Grateful For Your Mercy

Pray With Us ~ 
Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for your mercy. You lovingly refrain from giving us what we really deserve, and instead lavish Your love upon us. Let that knowledge humble us and cause


Consequences Of This Virus

Gracious Father and redeemer, As we continue to struggle with the consequences of this virus and as we, due to sin, feel anxious and maybe feel sorry for ourselves, we pray that you remind us that we are in your Loving hands, and that you care for us as your children. Sometimes we lament a world that does not treat us fairly. Sometimes we look up to you and ask why you are allowing these things to happen to us, instead, may we, who are merely inconvenienced, remember those


EDGE Youth Group Update

HI EDGE YG!  We have an important update in regards to meeting on Sunday’s… 


One Who IS Love

Pray With Us ~ 
Dear Father in Heaven, we thank You for loving us when we are unlovable, when we are selfish or we are unkind. Lord, fill us with Your love so that we can then love those around us


Pastor Andy Update

Hello everyone. The leadership at Hope would like you all to know that we are praying for each one of you during this uncertain time. We are in uncharted waters. The decision to cancel all activities at the church has turned out to be the right one. Unfortunately, we cannot be certain when we will be able to resume services. This may go on for a while…..(watch video)


Campus Ministry COVID-19 Update

College Campus Ministry Update and how they are handling the COVID-19
A lot has changed for us in the past week, and campus ministry isn’t exempt. I wanted to pass along a brief update and how you can be praying for us in the coming weeks. Each of the schools we serve on have moved to online classes for the remainder of the semester which presents a categorical shift to our ministry strategy.
Our staff at USI are making the necessary adjustments to stay engaged with our responsibilities. Since this has taken place late in the school year, we have the necessary relationships built with students, however, we are shifting how we do ministry. We are making plans to continue investigative


Childrens Ministry and Kids Club Update

 Hi Parents & Kids! Mrs. Jessica has an update and LOADS of great news!


Uncertain Times

Pray With Us ~
Lord God our heavenly Father, we come before you with praise. We come to you with thanksgiving and acknowledge you as the one true God. You, Lord, are the great God of all, the great God above all Gods. Father, we know you hold the depths of the earth in your hands and the mountain peaks belong to you. The sea is yours because you made it and your hands formed